Once upon a time,
Luke | Kirk | Neo | Harry
was living a miserable life. Feeling disconnected from his friends and family, he dreams about how his life could be different. One day, he is greeted by
Obi Wan | Captain Pike | Trinity | Hagrid
and told that his life is not what it seems, and that due to some circumstances surrounding his
birth | birth | birth | infancy
he was meant for something greater. Deciding to leave with
him | him | her | him,
Luke | Kirk | Neo | Harry
is taken to
Mos Eisley | Starfleet Academy | the real world | Hogwarts
where he meets lots of new, fascinating people.
Διάβασε το υπόλοιπο εδώ. Όλες αυτές οι ταινίες είναι στην ουσία παραλλαγές του “μονομύθου“, που επινόησε ο Τζόζεφ Κάμπελ το 1949 (πήρε τη λέξη απ’ το Finnegan’s Wake), δηλαδή της ιστορίας του “ταξιδιού του ήρωα”:
A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.
Οι ιστορίες του Βούδα, του Ιησού και του Μωυσή είναι, επίσης, μονομύθοι.